Tutorial: Easily supporting CMake install and find_package()

As of version 0.5 my memory library now provides support for system-wide installation and CMake’s find_package().

Because I’ve spent hours of trial and error to come up with it, I’ll document it here. In this post, I will show you how to install your library so that it can be used easily by other projects. In particular, the system will be able to handle multiple installed versions and multiple configurations.

Throughout this post, I’ll be assuming a 3.x CMake version and an already existing CMake project.

The setup

For the scope of the tutorial, let’s say we have a library that has the following CMake structure:

- include/
  - my_library/
    - header-a.hpp
	- header-b.hpp
	- config.hpp
	- ...
- src/
  - source-a.cpp
  - source-b.cpp
  - config.hpp.in
  - ...
  - CMakeLists.txt
- example/
  - example-a.cpp
  - ...
  - CMakeLists.txt
- tool/
  - tool.cpp
  - CMakeLists.txt
- test/
  - test.cpp
  - CMakeLists.txt
- CMakeLists.txt
- ...

So we have a library consisting of various header and source files. It also comes with some examples, a tool and unit tests.

The library, the examples and the tool each has their own CMakeLists.txt defining the target and related code in their subdirectory. The root CMakeLists.txt defines configuration options and adds the subdirectories.

The configurations will be set in the file config.hpp.in which will be preprocessed to config_impl.hpp and included by config.hpp.

This allows a seperation of CMake’s config files and other, unrelated configuration macros etc.

The root CMakeLists.txt can look as follows:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)

# define library version (update: apparently you can also do it in project()!)

# some options
option(MY_LIBRARY_USE_FANCY_NEW_CLASS "whether or not to use fancy new class" ON)
option(MY_LIBRARY_DEBUG_MODE "whether or not debug mode is activated" OFF)

# add subdiretories

It defines a few options that can be used via #cmakedefine01 or similar in the config.hpp.in.

Note that the library version is set via FORCE. This prevents users changing the value in the CMakeCache.txt.

And the src/CMakeLists.txt:

# set headers
set(header_path "${MY_LIBRARY_SOURCE_DIR}/include/my_library")
set(header ${header_path}/header-a.hpp

# set source files
set(src source-a.cpp
# configure config.hpp.in
configure_file("config.hpp.in" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config_impl.hpp")

# define library target
add_library(my_library ${header} ${src})
target_include_directories(my_library PUBLIC ${MY_LIBRARY_SOURCE_DIR}/include

First we define a list of all headers and source files in variables. This will be useful later on.

Note that the header path has to be given for the headers, since they are in a different subdirectory. The source files can be named directly.

It also generates the config_impl.hpp that can be included inside the config.hpp in the current binary dir and defines the library with the given files. Its PUBLIC include directory is both the included/ subfolder and the current binary dir. The latter is needed to access the generated config_impl.hpp.

The other CMakeLists.txt are simpler and I will not go over them here.

Client code can now call add_subdirectory() of the library folder and call target_link_libraries(my_target PUBLIC my_library). This will also set up the include path, allowing #include <my_library/header-a.hpp> directly.

But we want to install it and support find_package().


We only need to install the following in order to use the library: the header files, the tool executable and the built library. This can be done in a very straightforward way with the install() command. It will simply copy the files into the ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} (/usr/local/ under Linux) when entering the cmake install command in a terminal.

First, we define the locations as variables in the root CMakeLists.txt:

set(tool_dest "bin")
set(include_dest "include/my_library-${MY_LIBRARY_VERSION}")
set(main_lib_dest "lib/my_library-${MY_LIBRARY_VERSION}")

Then we add the install() commands:

# in tool/CMakeLists.txt
install(TARGETS my_library_tool DESTINATION "${tool_dest}")

# in src/CMakeLists.txt
install(TARGETS my_library DESTINATION "${main_lib_dest}")
install(FILES ${header} DESTINATION "${include_dest}")
install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config_impl.hpp DESTINATION "${include_dest}")

This will install the tool executable under ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin, the headers under ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include/my_library-1.0 and the library itself under ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/my_library-1.0. It already satifies one of the goals I’ve set above: Different library versions do not run into conflicts since they will be installed under different destinations; the version is part of their folder.

Except for tool. I’ve avoided it here because I assume it will always provide full compatibility. Putting it under bin/ directly makes it available in the terminal automatically. But you can of course adopt that easily.

But this does not handle different configurations of the library: only one can exist in the location. We can of course prevent that by adding a unique identifier for each configuration like we did for the version, but this is unnecessary for most files.

Again ignoring the tool, there are only two files that depend on the configuration: the built library and the generated config_impl.hpp since it will have macros set that correspond to the library options. So we need to put only those two files in a different location depending on the configuration.

But what do we use as identifier?

I’ve chosen the value of the ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}. It already selects the compiler flags for value of Debug, Release, MinSizeRel and RelWithDebInfo. It makes sense to couple all other options to it as well.

You can also define your own build types with a corresponding set of flags to allow an unlimited number of installed configurations.

We thus add a new variable lib_dest in the root CMakeLists.txt:

set(lib_dest ${main_lib_dest}/${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}")

And also change the destination for config_impl.hpp and the my_library target to ${lib_dest}. This will put those two files into different folders depending on the configuration to allow multiple configuration to be installed. So, for example, the Debug library will be installed under ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/my_library-1.0/Debug etc.

Exporting the target

The current setup already installs everything needed to use the library but it cannot be integrated into other CMake based projects. You’d have to manually specify the include directory and manually link to the native library.

This isn’t comfortable.

CMake provides the ability to export targets though. Exporting a target allows reusing it in other CMake projects, just as if it were defined in the current project. To enable that, a file my_library.cmake will be created upon installation. It contains definitions of all the targets with references to the installed build files and configuration. Users just need to include() that file and can use the target as usually.

To enable exporting for my_library we need to do two things:

install(TARGETS my_library EXPORT my_library DESTINATION "${lib_dest}")
install(EXPORT my_library DESTINATION "${lib_dest}")

There is still a minor problem though: The library has set the target_include_diretories() it will pass on to the linked targets to the directory the sources prior to the installation are stored! And we cannot change the directory because then the include directory for building is wrong.

An ugly feature named generator expressions help here though. It allows setting different include directories whether the library has been installed or is currently building. The call to target_include_directories() in the src/CMakeLists.txt needs to be changed like so:

target_include_directories(my_library PUBLIC
                       $<BUILD_INTERFACE:${MY_LIBRARY_SOURCE_DIR}/include> # for headers when building
											 $<BUILD_INTERFACE:${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}> # for config_impl.hpp when building
                       $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:${include_dest}> # for client in install mode
                       $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:${lib_dest}> # for config_impl.hpp in install mode)

Now we have a my_library.cmake type that just need to be included in order to use the library as destination in target_link_libraries() as usual. But before you go and add include(/path/to/installation/my_library-1.0/Debug/my_library.cmake) statements, let’s automate that by enabling package support.

The final step: Packaging

CMake provides the find_package() command. I won’t go into much detail here, but its basic form can help here.

I don’t know the details either. The CMake documentation file is long and frightening.

If we write find_package(my_library ...), it will go and look for a file named my_library-config.cmake (among others) in a directory named my_library* under the ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib (among many others).

And our installation directory name lib/my_library-[major].[minor] - the ${main_lib_dest} - matches this expression.

What a coincidence.

We just need to provide the my_library-config.cmake file. The contents of the file will be made available to the calling script of find_package(). It usually contains code defining the targets but we already have that code! It is in the my_library.cmake file created by the install(EXPORT). We just need to include() that inside the my_library-config.cmake file.

Here we can also match the build-type. We include the export file version that matches the current build type:

# my_library-config.cmake - package configuration file

get_filename_component(SELF_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}" PATH)

This file can be stored inside your library repo, just remember to install it as well. It can be done right beside the install(EXPORT) command:

install(FILES my_library-config.cmake DESTINATION ${main_lib_dest})
install(EXPORT ...)

Now the client can call find_package(my_library REQUIRED) and the library will be searched, found (if the ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} is installed) and all exported targets made available allowing a simple target_link_libraries(client_target PUBLIC my_library). This will link to the library version of matching build type.


The client can also leave out the REQUIRED part if it is, well, not required. Then a variable needs to be queried before safely referring to the targets.

Adding sugar: version control

One nice touch is version compatibility checks of the installed libraries. This is also supported by find_package(), you can give it a version as second argument.

The check is done by a file named my_library-config-version.cmake (or similar). Like my_library-config.cmake, you need to provide and install it under the current setup.

It gets the requested version in the form of ${PACKAGE_FIND_VERSION_MAJOR/MINOR} and should set the variables ${PACKAGE_FIND_VERSION_EXACT/COMPATIBLE/UNSUITABLE} as appropriate. It should also set the full version in ${PACKAGE_VERSION}. One thing it does not get though is the version of the library with which it is installed. For that reason, it needs to refer to the version variables defined in the root CMakeLists.txt and to be configured prior installation.

Here is a simple script that requires the a major version match and a higher or equal minor version:

# my_library-config-version.cmake - checks version: major must match, minor must be less than or equal



Configuration (to replace the @-variables with the right version) and installation is done in the root CMakeLists.txt:

configure_file(my_library-config-version.cmake.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/my_library-config-version.cmake @ONLY)

install(FILES my_library-config.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/my_library-config-version.cmake DESTINATION ${main_lib_dest})
install(EXPORT ...)

Note the @ONLY in order to not substitute the “normal” CMake variables in the script.

Now a find_package() call of the form find_package(my_library 1.0 REQUIRED) will look for the 1.0 or a compatible (as you defined “compatible”) library version.


So to sum it up, in order to support installation and find_package() in CMake you need to:

Now a client just need to write:

find_package(my_library 1.0 REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(client_target PUBLIC my_library)

And it will automatically find an appropriate library version and link to a library of matching build type.

For an actual complete example, look at the source code of memory itself. It provides a similar directory structure but note that CMake dependent stuff is put into a cmake subdirectory.

Also check out the other half: my tutorial on dependency managment

This blog post was written for my old blog design and ported over. If there are any issues, please let me know.