Tutorial: Conditionally disabling non-template functions

Consider that you have a function template that takes a parameter on type T. If the function template has a rather generic name like operator==, is a constructor, or anything whose existence might be queried with type traits to further constrain other functions, it is often beneficial if you can conditionally disable the function if the type does not have some required properties. Otherwise the function will be “greedy” and accept more than it should - making some traits near useless, as they only check for existence and the error only occurs later.

Conditionally removing functions if their template parameters don’t fulfill certain properties is done with SFINAE. But what if you have member functions of a class template that are not templates themselves?

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Fixing std::initializer_list

C++11 introduced std::initializer_list. This is a small class used if you want to initialize some container type with a pre-defined set of elements. It allows very convenient syntax just like plain old C arrays have.

Yet it has a couple of problems. This post will talk about them and how they can be fixed.

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standardese documentation generator version 0.3: Groups, inline documentation, template mode & more

After two bugfix release for the parsing code, I finally got around to implement more features for standardese. A complete refactoring of the internal code allowed me to implement some advanced features: standardese now comes with member groups, the ability to show inline documentation, a template language and many minor things that just improve the overall documentation generation.

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Memory 0.6: Composition and Joint Allocators

If you’ve been a long reader of my blog, you might remember my memory library. I haven’t forgotten about it, even though the 0.5 release was in February! After three patches and a long pause in development to focus on standardese, I’ve finally finished the 0.6 release. It mainly provides two major features: composition and joint allocators.

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Function templates - deduce template arguments or pass explicitly?

Function templates allow writing a single definition that can handle multiple different types. It is a very powerful form of C++’s static polymorphism.

When instantiating a class template, we have to pass in the types explictly (at least until C++17):

std::vector<int> vec;
std::basic_string<my_char, std::char_traits<my_char>> str;
std::tuple<int, bool, std::string> tuple;

But when instantiating a function template, the compiler can often figure the types out:

template <typename A, typename B, typename C>
void func(const A& a, const B& b, const C& c);

int x;
func(x, 'A', "hello");
// equivalent to:
func<int, char, const char*>(x, 'A', "hello");

Let’s look at this process into a little bit more detail and establish some guidelines as well as see how we can prohibit template argument deduction for arguments.

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