Flexible error handling techniques in C++
Sometimes things aren’t working. The user enters stuff in the wrong format, a file isn’t found, a network connection fails and the system runs out of memory. Those are errors and they need to be handling.
In a high-level function this is relatively easy. You know exactly why something was wrong and can handle it in the right way. But for low-level functions this isn’t quite as easy. They don’t know what was wrong, they only know that something was wrong and need to report it to their caller.
In C++ there are two main strategies: error return codes and exceptions. The “modern”, mainstream C++ way of handling errors are exceptions. But some people cannot use/think they cannot use/don’t want exceptions - for whatever reason.
This blog post isn’t going to pick a side on the fight. Instead I am describing techniques that make both sides - relatively - happy. Those techniques are especially useful if you are developing libraries.
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