Tutorial: When to Write Which Special Member

When explaining someone the rules behind the special member functions and when you need to write which one, there is this diagram that is always brought up. I don’t think the diagram is particularly useful for that, however.

It covers way more combinations than actually make sense. So let’s talk about what you actually need to know about the special member functions and when you should write which combination.

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Inline Namespaces 101

Almost three years ago — wow, how time flies — I blogged about namespace aliases and called them one of C++ most underrated features (which probably was a bit of a click bait).

Let’s talk about some other namespace feature, that is, well, not quite underrated, but relatively obscure: inline namespace. They are namespaces that don’t really introduce a scope, except when they do.

So what can you do with them?

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Tutorial: Managing Compiler Warnings with CMake

Warnings are important, especially in C++.

C++ compilers are forced to accept a lot of stupid code, like functions without return, use of uninitialized warnings, etc. But they can at least issue a warning if you do such things.

But how do you manage the very compiler-specific flags in CMake?

How do you prevent your header files from leaking warnings into other projects?

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